[Rivet] Need a guideline

Izhar Sagheer izhar.sagheer at cern.ch
Sun Dec 11 14:04:05 GMT 2011

Its Izhar Sagheer from Pakistan
I am going to work in RIVET. I am following RIVET MANUAL but facing some problems

I used these commands:

$ wget http://svn.hepforge.org/rivet/bootstrap/rivet-bootstrap
$ chmod +x rivet-bootstrap

in my /afs/cern.ch/i/isagheer/test/RIVET

and i type the command as:

./rivet-bootstrap --install-agile --prefix=/afs/cern.ch/i/isagheer/test/RIVET

after downloading two files "Rivet-1.7.0.tar.gz" and "agile-1.3.0.tar.gz" it starts to use "LCG area availabale=using LCG build packeges" but then it gives and error like:

FastJet does not exist at path /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fastjet/2.4.3/x86_64-slc5-gcc41-opt. You may wish to use the --ignore-lcgext option
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./rivet-bootstrap", line 476, in ?
SystemExit: 1

kindly guide and help me for above error

I am waiting for your response. I have to present RIVET some days after.

Best Regards
Izhar Sagheer
National Center for Physics. Islamabad. Pakistan
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