[Rivet] mcplotsHendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chWed Jun 1 09:19:23 BST 2011
Thus spake Peter Skands (peter.skands at cern.ch): > >- The error bands in the ratio plots on > > http://mcplots.cern.ch/?query=plots,pp%2Fppbar,uemb-soft,pt,Pythia%208, > > are asymmetric, while the reference data has symmetric errors. > > Please look at the error bars again, in particular for the last few > bins, which are the ones in question. Okay, you're right. After searching for the histogram ids for a while (the aesthetical thing, you know) I see that these are indeed asymmetric. > >- Can you plot the tick marks in the ratio plots on top of the error > > bands, rather than below? > > Yes, if ROOT had been better coded, that would be possible. As it > is, I don't know how to do that. If anyone stumbles on a solution to > this, I'd be happy to know. Well, the choice of ROOT was yours. We have a simple and very configurable plotting tool that gets this right. ;-) *SCNR* Anyway, if I remember correctly one can as ROOT to draw an empty coordinate frame. If you do that after plotting everything else, you get the tick marks on top. Disclaimer: Luckily I didn't have to use ROOT recently, so that memory dates back to my time at D0. Here's the first google hit for "root filled histogram tickmarks": http://root.cern.ch/root/roottalk/roottalk04/0014.html I guess Draw("sameaxis") is what you need. > >- Luckily my horizontal screen resolution is 1920 pixel. But on anything > > smaller four plots next to each other aren't nice to navigate. Maybe > > you can let them float? > > That would indeed be nice. We did look into that, but were not able > to do it so far. We made a compromise between horizontal and > vertical scrolling. What about one table per plot (probably needed for the links below the plots), and then the browser can arrange those tables as they fit? > >- Can you put the Rivet histogram ID in the plot, not just the analysis? > > That would make identifying plots you are talking about in your bug > > reports sooooo much easier. > > You mean like the "d01-x01-y01" in > # BEGIN HISTOGRAM /REF/CMS_2011_S8957746/d01-x01-y01 > AidaPath=/REF/CMS_2011_S8957746/d01-x01-y01 Exactly. I have now found it after randomly clicking on the links below the plots ("more" -> "ATLAS"). Now that I know where to find it, I'm happy. That's all I need. > >- Many plots have lousy statistics, like the 1960 GeV UE plots or ATLAS > > minbias pT spectra. One doesn't really learn something if the error > > bars are larger than the vertical size of the plot. Any chance you can > > run those with better stats? > > Lol, you really do like to point out the obvious :) Obviously we are > working extremely hard on this. I've looked at this for a while, and since the problem still exists, I thought I'd better mention it. What is the technical problem you experience? Maybe we can help you solving it? Cheers, Hendrik -- The minimum number of planes one should own is one. The correct number is n+1, where n is the number of planes currently owned. This equation may also be re-written as s-1, where s is the number of planes owned that would result in separation from your partner. -- Veluminati
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