[Rivet] mcplotsPeter Skands peter.skands at cern.chWed Jun 1 10:43:20 BST 2011
Hi Hendrik, Thanks for the tips, I hope we can implement most of them! > I've looked at this for a while, and since the problem still exists, I > thought I'd better mention it. What is the technical problem you > experience? Maybe we can help you solving it? Yes, our problem is in batching Rivet :) So far, the message I got from Andy was that if we came up with a solution he'd be happy to implement it, provided it was the solution he wanted :) Our production system is up and running, but we are not able to combine the outputs of several runs yet. That's essentially the limiting factor, since we need to keep the running time of each job "reasonable". For us, this also affects producing histograms with Alpgen, for instance, where we need to merge the output of several runs. We are close, though, but the solution we have so far is not fully general. (Save event numbers and cross sections for each generator run and combine assuming errors in quadrature, which will only be correct for a subset of distributions, but among them are some of the important ones that really need higher stats so I was content to do this as a first step.) I understood that some work in this direction has also gone on inside Rivet, but that a general solution is also there at least a few releases away? Cheers, Peter
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