[Rivet] Inspire keysAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukWed Jun 8 22:36:31 BST 2011
On 08/06/11 11:09, David Grellscheid wrote: > Hi everyone, > > have you noticed that Inspire uses different keys for the papers? It's > still possible to search for a legacy SPIRES key using "find key ...", > but it is not possible to obtain a legacy key from Inspire's records, as > they keep that field hidden throughout. > > Try SPIRES key 8924791. Inspire lists it as 882984. Yes, I'd seen that before. I believe Frank S was also in touch with them about it, something like a year ago... I guess they didn't like the suggestion. I've CC'd Mike Whalley, since IIRC he is on the open access publishing / Inspire steering committe, and HepData presumably has the same problem re. linking to legacy vs. future papers. Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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