[Rivet] CMS rivet analysesAlbert Knutsson albert.knutsson at desy.deFri Jun 17 09:46:09 BST 2011
Dear Hendrik, thanks for the fast response. I will forward your feedback and questions to respectively author. Let us come back to you with updated files. If you have any other feedback or comments please let us know. These two I can answer directly. > - Did you validate the Rivet analyses against your own analysis, i.e. > can you reproduce the MC plots in the publication? You are naturally > in a much better situation to do this than we are, so please set the > status in the .info files to "VALIDATED" if they are validated or fix > them if they need to be fixed. The analyses have been validated (and approved by CMS working group conveners). We will do the update to .info that you propose. > - The plot titles of CMS_2010_S8656010 talk about |eta|=0.1, |eta|=0.2, > etc. I assume you actually mean<= and not =. Is that correct? No, the numbers refer to the center of the eta intervals. Better would be x<=|eta|<y. I agree, these titles are confusing, but as it is now, the titles are exactly as in the paper. Cheers and thanks for the feedback, Albert, on behalf of CMS On 6/16/11 5:36 PM, Hendrik Hoeth wrote: > Dear Albert, > > thanks a lot for the analyses! I still need to take a closer look, > but I do have a few questions: > > - Did you validate the Rivet analyses against your own analysis, i.e. > can you reproduce the MC plots in the publication? You are naturally > in a much better situation to do this than we are, so please set the > status in the .info files to "VALIDATED" if they are validated or fix > them if they need to be fixed. > > - The info file for CMS_2011_S8968497 is fairly ... empty. Also the plot > titles in the .plot file only list cuts, not what observable you are > plotting. Do you plan to update this analysis? > > - The .plot file for CMS_2011_S8884919 is empty. Well, technically it's > not, but it doesn't contain any information. The .info file for that > analysis causes two parse errors that are easily fixed by indenting > the Description text and removing the whitespace around the colons in > the References. > > - In CMS_2011_S8884919 you fill the _h_cq_eta05 and _h_cq_eta24 > histograms in the finalize method. Are you sure you are handling the > uncertainties correctly? Don't you have to use a DataPointSet and > handle the errors manually? > > - The plot titles of CMS_2010_S8656010 talk about |eta|=0.1, |eta|=0.2, > etc. I assume you actually mean<= and not =. Is that correct? > > Cheers, > > Hendrik >
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