[Rivet] CMS rivet analyses

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Fri Jun 17 10:21:09 BST 2011

Hi Albert,

Thus spake Albert Knutsson (albert.knutsson at desy.de):

> thanks for the fast response. I will forward your feedback and
> questions to respectively author. Let us come back to you with
> updated files.

Thanks a lot!

> >- The plot titles of CMS_2010_S8656010 talk about |eta|=0.1, |eta|=0.2,
> >   etc. I assume you actually mean<= and not =. Is that correct?
> No, the numbers refer to the center of the eta intervals. Better
> would be x<=|eta|<y. I agree, these titles are confusing, but as
> it is now, the titles are exactly as in the paper.

Uhm ... maybe that should be changed in the paper, too.

BTW: What is your timescale estimate for analyses like e.g. the
UE measurement, the 3jet/2jet ratio, or your nice b-measurements?



The minimum number of planes one should own is one. The correct number
is n+1, where n is the number of planes currently owned. This equation
may also be re-written as s-1, where s is the number of planes owned
that would result in separation from your partner.       -- Veluminati

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