[Rivet] CMS rivet analyses

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 12:04:17 BST 2011

On 17/06/11 10:28, Ferenc Sikler wrote:
> Hello,
>>> No, the numbers refer to the center of the eta intervals. Better
>>> would be x<=|eta|<y. I agree, these titles are confusing, but as
>>> it is now, the titles are exactly as in the paper.
>> Uhm ... maybe that should be changed in the paper, too.
> I think it generally helps if you read the caption below the plots as well:
> "Differential yield of charged hadrons in the range |eta| < 2.4 in
> 0.2-unit-wide bins of |eta| in NSD events."

The captions tend not to make it into e.g. conference slides, so better 
IMO to have the accurate information on the plot... but this is rather 
off-topic ;)

Slightly more on-topic would be if the .info file could explain what is 
actually meant by "NSD events": e.g. do the systematic errors take 
account of different generators' SD modelling so that it would be safe 
to compare to the "NSD processes" in PHOJET or Pythia8, or is the data 
just constructed by subtracting the SD as modelled by PYTHIA 6? This 
would be a useful thing to have documented in the analysis.

Thanks again,

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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