[Rivet] Fwd: Rivet 1.5.1 for HepMC 2.03?

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Sat Jun 25 14:38:10 BST 2011

Hi Daniel,

This sounds like it might be related to your Python/compiler setup -- if 
the wrong architecture of Python library is being found then it won't be 
loaded. It should be possible to make a coherent setup for all platforms 
-- the semi-automated build scripts that I used to use for the 
installation are still present in the Genser Rivet 1.4.0 installation 
tree and might be helpful. However, if it's just affecting the 
documentation and the installation can be *used*, then you can disable 
the documentation build by passing the --disable-pdfmanual option to the 
Rivet configure script: in fact, I don't think there is anyway much 
reason to build the manual as part of the Genser build... as long as the 
installed version is tested and works.

By the way, please contact the Rivet developer list (CC'd) rather than 
me personally... otherwise there will usually be a delay in replying, 

Best wishes,

On 22/06/11 18:54, Danila Tlisov wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I've try to implement rivet 1.5.1 to GENSER and found error with making
> of documentation on i686-slc5-gcc43 platform. For x86_64-slc5-gcc43
> everything are OK. The problem is that script mk-analysis-html can't
> find the python library libpython2.6.so.1.0 while it exists in fact. I
> used CERN python 2.6.5, see the make report below. Could you please
> check whether this is problem with your code or I do smth. wrong during
> the installation?
> Best regards, Danila
> Making all in doc make[1]: Entering directory
> `/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/.work/GBUILD/noarch/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/RIVET_GAVNO/rivet/1.5.1/doc'
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../src/.libs:../src/Tools/yaml-cpp/.libs:/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fastjet/2.4.2p1/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib:/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/HepMC/2.03.11/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib:ls/gcc/4.3.2/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:ls/mpfr/2.3.1/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:ls/gmp/4.2.2/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3.2/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/mpfr/2.3.1/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gmp/4.2.2/i686-slc5-gcc34-opt/lib:/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/.work/GBUILD/noarch/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/RIVET_GAVNO/GAVNO/lib
> \
> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../src/.libs:../src/Tools/yaml-cpp/.libs:/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fastjet/2.4.2p1/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib:/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/HepMC/2.03.11/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib::/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/.work/GBUILD/noarch/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/RIVET_GAVNO/GAVNO/lib
> \ RIVET_INFO_PATH=../data/anainfo \ PYTHONPATH=../pyext: \
> /afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.5/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin/python mk-analysis-html
> analyses.html Traceback (most recent call last): File
> "mk-analysis-html", line 41, in <module> import dl ImportError:
> libpython2.6.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory make[1]: *** [analyses.html] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving
> directory
> `/afs/.cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/.work/GBUILD/noarch/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/RIVET_GAVNO/rivet/1.5.1/doc'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>> 09.06.2011 22:37, Anton Karneyeu пишет:
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Rivet 1.5.1 for HepMC 2.03?
>>> Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 18:25:55 +0100
>>> From: Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk>
>>> To: Witold Pokorski <Witold.Pokorski at cern.ch>, Anton Karneyeu
>>> <Anton.Karneyeu at cern.ch>
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I just noticed that Rivet 1.5.1 is installed for HepMC 2.06.03 but not
>>> for the "normal" MCGenerators area that the expeiments are using. Can
>>> that be done, please? You'll also have to add the -dbg platform symlinks
>>> (or explicit debug builds) so that the ATLAS nightly builds don't fail.
>>> Cheers!
>>> Andy

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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