[Rivet] particle charge

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Mon Jun 27 13:54:22 BST 2011

Hi (Andy?),

what are the lines

  if(ida==1000017 || ida==1000018) { charge = 0; }
  if(ida==1000034 || ida==1000052) { charge = 0; }
  if(ida==1000053 || ida==1000054) { charge = 0; }
  if(ida==5100061 || ida==5100062) { charge = 6; }

in threeCharge() in ParticleIdUtils.cc?


The minimum number of planes one should own is one. The correct number
is n+1, where n is the number of planes currently owned. This equation
may also be re-written as s-1, where s is the number of planes owned
that would result in separation from your partner.       -- Veluminati

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