[Rivet] Presentation of Event Shapes results

Peter Skands peter.skands at cern.ch
Mon May 30 17:39:44 BST 2011

Dear Sergo and Andrey,

The measurement of event shapes by CDF is extremely nice (corrected to 
the hadron level, exactly as is ideal for MC comparisons) and we would 
very much like to be able to use it directly as an input to constrain 
and tune Monte Carlo models in the future, for instance to make sure 
that no future tuning revision destroys the good agreement with Tune A 
that you observe, and also to check all the tuning efforts that are now 
underway for LHC, which sometimes blatantly ignore constraints from 
previous experiments; that's not always because they don't want to 
include them, but because they are not able to. To make sure the data is 
preserved in the most useful and accessible form, I wanted to ask 
successive stages of questions to you:

   A) Are the data *points* public, or just the plots?

   B) If the points are public, are they in HEPDATA?

   C) If they are in HEPDATA, is there a corresponding Rivet analysis 
that is (or could be) incorporated in the official Rivet releases, so 
everyone can make direct comparisons? (I am cc'ing the Rivet authors who 
I am sure would be very interested to have this analysis included. I 
know manpower is an issue for both you and for the Rivet people (and 
also for MC authors), but from my perspective Rivet does seem to be 
emerging as a key ingredient in data preservation, so I am hoping it is 
not impossible.)

Peter Skands

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