[Rivet] rivet on mac osx lion

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed May 16 22:56:54 BST 2012

Hi Hannes,

As usual I don't have much clue about our Mac builds -- except that they
keep working on the test system. I'm not sure that we're checking the
plugin loading, though... hopefully one of the Mac users on this list is
running Rivet on Lion and can help further.


On 16/05/12 14:48, Hannes Jung wrote:
> Dear Rivet enthusiasts
> still having problems to run rivet on my macbook, after upgrading to osx lion.
> The problem occurs in python, the compilation works fine. I have installed fink for osx.
> I am using version 1.7.0, but the problem is the same with 1.8.
> The problem is illustrated in the attached file. It seems it is related to the switch:
> in the configure.ac file. Commenting this, is compiles and does the python pieces without error
> only, it does not work: I cannot even see which analyses are included.... maybe the paths are not yet correctly set.
> Attached are also config.log for both versions when AC_CEDAR_OSX  is used or commented.
> Where are the additional environement variables set, which are used in AC_CEDAR_OSX  ?
> Any hint would be great
> thanks a lot
> cheers
> Hannes
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Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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