[Rivet] rivet on mac osx lionHendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chThu May 17 11:27:22 BST 2012
Hi Hannes, Thus spake Hannes Jung (hannes.jung at cern.ch): > still having problems to run rivet on my macbook, after upgrading to > osx lion. The problem occurs in python, the compilation works fine. I > have installed fink for osx. I am using version 1.7.0, but the > problem is the same with 1.8. Disclaimer: I've no clue about Macs. Other than that they have a nibbled apple on their cover. Looking at your screenshot (wow, 1.1 MByte to transmit a few bytes worth of information!) your problem seems to show when you run "make" during your installation. And it shows when building the manual. So I'd try to disable the manual (--disable-pdfmanual) and see if Rivet runs. If yes, open a bottle of champagne. Otherwise I can just hope that some other Mac user speaks up (James?), because I won't be able to help. Cheers, Hendrik -- Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft, and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor. -- Wernher von Braun
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