[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint sessionFrank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.chTue Oct 2 11:16:16 BST 2012
Hi Leif, all, >> If we're getting together like this, I'd like to revive the effort of >> getting our manual into shape for journal (CPC) submission. > > Although I'm not an active developer anymore, I'd really like to have at > least one published paper out of the efforts I've put into the Rivet > development in the past. So I would be willing to help getting the manual > into shape, if you think it is appropriate that my name stays on it. Good to hear there's interest in doing this. I have started a draft based on CPC style and our existing manual content. I will put it into SVN soon, but wanted to hear your opinion on which way we want to go: 1. Modify the manual itself to make it journal-ready (which might mean removing some "philosophical" parts of it -- but that could come at the very end, so could be done for the CPC submission only). 2. Create parallel latex sources by copying the current manual and then edit to make it CPC-like without any affect on the manual. Once I have feedback on this, I'll get the draft into SVN for discussion. Cheers, Frank
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