[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint session

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Tue Oct 2 12:46:35 BST 2012

Thanks Frank. You're right that it's time for this -- indeed should have
been some time ago, if we weren't already very pushed for Rivet work time.

What do you think is the best approach to make this submittable as a
paper and still have a manual for future use without losing the 60 or so
citations that it has gathered as a preprint? Change the name and
content of the existing arXiv ID to be a CPC paper, and resubmit the
manual as a separate preprint? I have no strong opinions -- I think both
a published standard reference and a continually updated manual are
valuable, but for different reasons -- arguably the first is more
valuable to us, and the second more valuable to our users :)


On 02/10/12 12:16, Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi Leif, all,
>>> If we're getting together like this, I'd like to revive the effort of
>>> getting our manual into shape for journal (CPC) submission.
>> Although I'm not an active developer anymore, I'd really like to have at
>> least one published paper out of the efforts I've put into the Rivet
>> development in the past. So I would be willing to help getting the manual
>> into shape, if you think it is appropriate that my name stays on it.
> Good to hear there's interest in doing this. I have started a draft
> based on CPC style and our existing manual content. I will put it into
> SVN soon, but wanted to hear your opinion on which way we want to go:
> 1. Modify the manual itself to make it journal-ready (which might mean
> removing some "philosophical" parts of it -- but that could come at
> the very end, so could be done for the CPC submission only).
> 2. Create parallel latex sources by copying the current manual and
> then edit to make it CPC-like without any affect on the manual.
> Once I have feedback on this, I'll get the draft into SVN for discussion.
> Cheers,
> Frank
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Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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