[Rivet] Rivet analysis for CMS UE in DYHendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chThu Oct 4 14:57:20 BST 2012
Hi Albert, Thus spake Albert Knutsson (albert.knutsson at desy.de): > Same question about CMS_2012_I1107658 (UE in DY), which I mailed to > the Rivet forum in July. we did indeed miss that one -- it fell into the MCnet school and then got lost in the inboxes ... Sorry! I had a look yesterday and today, and I'm giving up. Can you please ask the author to check the following things: - const FinalState& fs = zfinder.constituentsFinalState(); => There is no "constituentsFinalState()" in the ZFinder, so the code doesn't compile. - if (zfinder.particles().size() != 1) vetoEvent; Typically, a Z will decay into two fermions, so this cut will veto *all* events. - double _Zmass = zfinder.particles()[0].momentum().mass()/GeV; This is not the Z mass, but the mass of one of the muons the Z decayed to. Same for _Zpt and _Zphi. - The average pT distributions can be filled directly into a Profile1D, rather than having 50 lines of code with a manual bin-by-bin division in the finalize() method. - Can the scale(..., 1./integral(...)) lines be replaced by a normalize()? Thanks a lot, and sorry again for the super-late reply!!! Hendrik -- If your dreams don't scare you, then you are not dreaming big enough.
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