[Rivet] custom reference for compare-histosAndy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukMon Oct 8 13:39:46 BST 2012
On 02/10/12 11:12, Christian Rudolph wrote: > Dear rivet-team, > > I am using a custom rivet analysis to evaluate generator-level theory > systematics. For that, I have an 'official' HepMC file on which the > analysis ran on and produced a 'nominal' .aida file. Now I want to > generate events privately and use compare-histos to see the deviation > from this 'nominal' histograms. How can I set this nominal .aida file to > be used as reference for the ratio plots? I tried to use > --refid=/path/to/my/nominal.aida, but it does not look right (see > attached plot). Hi Christian, --refid should be the correct flag, but as it's not used very often there is perhaps a bug. Can you send us a pair of AIDA files and the set of commands that you are using, so that we can try to reproduce/bugfix it? Hopefully if there is a bug we can fix it in time for the next release (not too far away). Cheers, Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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