[Rivet] correction on ATLAS_2011_I944826 routine

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Tue Oct 23 14:47:10 BST 2012

Hi Sercan,

> Right. "nstable" part should be in |\eta| < 2.5 . So, if we extend the
> rapidity acceptance in the CFS projection, then we should apply a rapidity
> cut in the "nstable" part..

Thanks for the clarification.

> By the way, I don't know if we need 100*MeV for ATLAS MBTS requirement (this
> is applied in the current code) ? Probably, we don't need it but this should
> be checked by someone from ATLAS..

Then again the same follow-up question: If the 100 MeV is not
necessary for the MBTS trigger requirement (pending confirmation by
Emily), what about the "nstable" requirement... does that only look at
particles >100 MeV?


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