[Rivet] Scaling histograms

Jennifer Kieselmann J-Klmn at gmx.de
Thu Sep 6 10:17:33 BST 2012

Hi Hendrik and Andy,

thanks a lot for your suggestions! Its working now.


On 06.09.2012 11:07, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
>> how can I scale histograms with the rivet-rescale only by a constant
>> factor? I need to multiply the values by 0.67. From the help I didn't
>> really find out how this is possible.
> Create a file with your histogram IDs and scale factors, something like
> this:
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d01-x01-y01   0.555
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d01-x01-y02   0.555
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d03-x01-y01   0.555
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d03-x01-y02   0.555
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d04-x01-y01   0.555
> /ATLAS_2012_I1083318/d04-x01-y02   0.555
> Then run
> rivet-rescale --fast -O your-scale-factor-file --multiply your-aida-file.aida
> and you'll get a file called your-aida-file-rescaled.aida.
> HTH,
>     Hendrik

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