[Rivet] agile-runmc Alpgen

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Sep 12 19:18:11 BST 2012

Hi Stefania,

I've also never run any Alpgen event files through AGILe, but I did
write some of the paramhandling code. Only three special Alpgen params
are handled (in AGILe's src/AlpGen/AlpGen.cc file): ALPGENFILE, IEXC,
and ETACLMAX -- a string, int, and double respectively.

ALPGENFILE is the name of the Alpgen partonic events file -- the others
would need to be looked up in the Alpgen docs, I think!

Note that this only does the MLM matching stage of Alpgen running. I'm
not familiar with Alpgen, although others on this list are, but I think
that steering card that you presented is for running Alpgen itself to
make those ME events, and is not something that would be translated into
the AGILe params, since AGILe only runs the showing step.


On 12/09/12 18:48, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
> Dear Stefania,
>> I've the impression that the ticket wouldn't exist at all if some
>> minimal documentation of the sintax and conventions of the input
>> parameter file for Alpgen, run via agile, were available. 
> I don't think that any of us even knows what's required to run Alpgen.
> Personally, I have *never* used Alpgen at all, and I have no clue how to
> run it -- stand-alone or through Agile. If I remember correctly, the
> Alpgen code in Agile was supplied by a user, not by one of the Agile
> authors.
> So if you figure out how it works and write a documentation for it,
> we'll happily include it in the Agile documentation. I know that doesn't
> help you, but it's all I can do ...
> Cheers,
>     Hendrik

Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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