[Rivet] agile-runmc Alpgen

stefania spagnolo stefania.spagnolo at le.infn.it
Thu Sep 13 09:47:51 BST 2012

Dear Andy and Hendrik, 

thanks for your answers; 
I'll have a look at the  AGILe's src/AlpGen/AlpGen.cc file. 
In any case it looks like I'm not asking the question to the right forum... 
any suggestion on who else I might ask ? 

Thanks a lot, 

On Sep 12, 2012, at 8:18 PM, Andy Buckley wrote:

> Hi Stefania,
> I've also never run any Alpgen event files through AGILe, but I did
> write some of the paramhandling code. Only three special Alpgen params
> are handled (in AGILe's src/AlpGen/AlpGen.cc file): ALPGENFILE, IEXC,
> and ETACLMAX -- a string, int, and double respectively.
> ALPGENFILE is the name of the Alpgen partonic events file -- the others
> would need to be looked up in the Alpgen docs, I think!
> Note that this only does the MLM matching stage of Alpgen running. I'm
> not familiar with Alpgen, although others on this list are, but I think
> that steering card that you presented is for running Alpgen itself to
> make those ME events, and is not something that would be translated into
> the AGILe params, since AGILe only runs the showing step.
> Andy
> On 12/09/12 18:48, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
>> Dear Stefania,
>>> I've the impression that the ticket wouldn't exist at all if some
>>> minimal documentation of the sintax and conventions of the input
>>> parameter file for Alpgen, run via agile, were available. 
>> I don't think that any of us even knows what's required to run Alpgen.
>> Personally, I have *never* used Alpgen at all, and I have no clue how to
>> run it -- stand-alone or through Agile. If I remember correctly, the
>> Alpgen code in Agile was supplied by a user, not by one of the Agile
>> authors.
>> So if you figure out how it works and write a documentation for it,
>> we'll happily include it in the Agile documentation. I know that doesn't
>> help you, but it's all I can do ...
>> Cheers,
>>    Hendrik
> -- 
> Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Stefania Spagnolo
Dip. di Fisica, Univ. del Salento
Sezione INFN di Lecce
Phone:  +39 0832 297439

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