[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint session

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Fri Sep 28 13:33:11 BST 2012

Hi all,

I'm sure many of you have noticed that we only make substantial progress
on Rivet when we all manage to get together in one place for a few days
and do our best to shut out the rest of the world. Well, if we are to
*finally* release Rivet 2.0 before the end of the year, we should have
at least one such sprint session this autumn, and perhaps more than one.

I have an IPPP grant which can be used toward supporting exactly this
sort of effort, so suggest that we find a good time for several core
developers to descend on Durham in late Oct/early Nov and spend a few
days (+ a few ramp-up/down days before and after) concentrating on
pushing Rivet+YODA towards a releasable state. I can pay at least toward
flight and subsistence costs if your local groups won't pay, or will
only partially pay. I hope IPPP will supply accommodation in the
colleges -- this has happened before, and certainly helps to not blow
the budget all at once!

Who's interested, and is that time period reasonable? CERN would be
another option, but I think would involve a lot more travel and far more
food and accomm expenses: I'm not sure Jo would be happy with all of you
camping in our house for a week ;)


Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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