[Rivet] CMS UE in DY events

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Fri Sep 28 14:22:05 BST 2012

>>> We should maybe have some "official" submission route for analyses, so
>>> that we don't lose track of them due to busyness, conferences, etc.
>> Mmmmmmm ... any suggestions?
> It's not my job to come up with actual answers, but just to make vague
> and progressive-sounding statements about how things should be better :P
> One possibility would be to use our bug/task tracker a lot more: if
> opened up so that anyone can submit a ticket (is this already the case?
> We had spam problems before, but a CAPTCHA would solve that) we could
> ask that all new analysis code, data, etc. be submitted via tickets in a
> "NewAnalysis" category, and ensure that that category's contents have
> been emptied out before each release.

I think this is a nice idea. If our trac could gain a CAPTCHA module,
this would be useful also for other projects. What we have done in
Sherpa as a work-around is to create a generic Trac user/password that
we write on the website and that users can use to submit tickets. So
even if CAPTCHA doesn't work on HepForge's trac, this might be a
work-around for Rivet's analysis submission as well?


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