[Rivet] question on inclusion of ATLAS analysis

Roman Lysak roman.lysak at cern.ch
Thu Oct 31 14:50:06 GMT 2013

  Dear Rivet authors,

there is ATLAS analysis which we would like to include into Rivet ( 
http://inspirehep.net/search?p=find+eprint+1211.6312 )  (as far as I 
know,  Joern already contacted you about this).
However, it is quite different to usual analyses included into Rivet, so 
I would like to know you opinion what do you think about it before we 
start the validation of the analysis.

The idea is to publish the code of the analysis in Rivet and use it as 
an automatic tool that people outside the ATLAS collaboration (e.g. 
theorists) can use to run over their own models and exclude them or not 
using the limits obtained by us (rather than using it to compare various 
MC generators or for tuning, as it's usual the case).
Technically, the analysis applies the efficiencies to go from particle 
to detector level and consequently  just compares the number of events 
(after "reconstruction") to the limits (obtained from ATLAS data) to see 
whether given model/point is excluded or not.
I attach the routine for this analysis so you get an idea how it is done.

Any your feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

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