[Rivet] question on inclusion of ATLAS analysis

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Thu Oct 31 19:41:53 GMT 2013

Dear Roman,

There's no conceptual problem. Already there are several SUSY analyses 
in Rivet (that we coded ourselves) used exactly for this purpose. See e.g.

ATLAS_2011_S8983313  0-lepton squark and gluino search
ATLAS_2011_S9019561  Two lepton supersymmetry search
ATLAS_2011_S9212183  0-lepton squark and gluino search
ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001    4 or more lepton plus missing transverse 
energy SUSY search
ATLAS_2012_I1112263  3 lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search
ATLAS_2012_I1117704  High jet multiplicity squark and gluino search
ATLAS_2012_I1125961  0-lepton squark and gluino search
ATLAS_2012_I943401   Search for supersymmetry with 2 leptons and missing 
transverse energy

See you,


On 31/10/2013 15:50, Roman Lysak wrote:
>   Dear Rivet authors,
> there is ATLAS analysis which we would like to include into Rivet (
> http://inspirehep.net/search?p=find+eprint+1211.6312 )  (as far as I
> know,  Joern already contacted you about this).
> However, it is quite different to usual analyses included into Rivet, so
> I would like to know you opinion what do you think about it before we
> start the validation of the analysis.
> The idea is to publish the code of the analysis in Rivet and use it as
> an automatic tool that people outside the ATLAS collaboration (e.g.
> theorists) can use to run over their own models and exclude them or not
> using the limits obtained by us (rather than using it to compare various
> MC generators or for tuning, as it's usual the case).
> Technically, the analysis applies the efficiencies to go from particle
> to detector level and consequently  just compares the number of events
> (after "reconstruction") to the limits (obtained from ATLAS data) to see
> whether given model/point is excluded or not.
> I attach the routine for this analysis so you get an idea how it is done.
> Any your feedback would be appreciated.
> Thanks a lot,
>    Roman
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