[Rivet] Bootstrap updateAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chThu Oct 31 19:56:25 GMT 2013
Hi all, I just spent a fun couple of hours replacing our hyper-complicated Python bootstrap script with.... yes, a much more stupid shell script. Or rather, two of them: one for Rivet 1.x, the other for 2.x. There's no longer a command line UI, and it doesn't attempt to deal with every config scenario under the sun (including semi-contradictory ones). That's how we got into the mess of supporting such a complex script in the first place, and at least I would rather be doing physics than supporting a script just intended to help people without access to CERN AFS to get started. The first few lines in the script are hopefully self-explanatory and can be edited to change the configuration, in the good ol' "theory code" fashion. In fact, the whole script is probably more easily read and edited than the previous dump from --help. The new scripts also don't do bootstrapping from version control, i.e. for developers. Tarballs only, please. If you want to do development, I hope you know enough to build a few dependency packages, and for testing pre-release builds we can easily make and update beta / release candidate tarballs in the Rivet download area. You _can_ convince me otherwise -- we'll need an extra rivet-dev-bootstrap script which will be 80% the same but also has to install Cython, check that hg exists, call autoreconf -i, etc. -- but it'd better be a good argument ;-) I'll update the web docs re. bootstrapping and analysis migration from AIDA to YODA tomorrow... and then get started on integrating the latest analyses for 1.8.4 and 2.0.1. It's good to be moving again :-D Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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