[Rivet] Including weighting data in analysis?Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chSat Sep 7 19:03:31 BST 2013
On 08/08/13 18:26, Tim Martin wrote: > Dear Rivet, > > We are considering how best to write a rivet class for a analysis > which requires access to a collection of data weighting histograms > which would be used in lieu of a hadron level definition. We > understand that this is a non-standard way of doing things, but looks > to work well for this specific analysis. > > Is there any precedence for this, or anything more fancy than a bunch > of "float histogramData[] = {0.1, 0.2....};" we should look to use? Hi Tim, Apologies for hugely delayed response! By weighting information do you mean effectively a "forward folding" factor so that particle-level MC can be compared to uncorrected/semi-corrected data? The only example of that so far is a very simple "lossy final state" processing that we used for the first CDF underlying event paper -- it just randomly throws away 8% of particles for comparison to the published data! Anyway, you know that we prefer fully corrected data, but there's no reason not to do it this way if you're happy about the correction factors (and the data errors include the uncertainty that they imply?) But there's no specific mechanism for it: double[] would be just fine :-) Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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