[Rivet] Upcoming paper, and rivet routines from CMS SMP-12-019 (jet mass measurement in dijet and V+jet events)Maxime Gouzevitch maxime.gouzevitch at cern.chMon Sep 23 14:09:54 BST 2013
Hi, I'm fine with 2 separated RIVET routines. For the nomenclature purposes we can see it later. Cheers Le 23/09/2013 12:53, Andy Buckley a écrit : > Indeed, we can maintain the code in either form, but I think it is a CMS > decision on whether or not it is more usable (i.e. will be used!) if > split apart. For example, merging of histograms may be harder to > organise if e.g. the dijet plots are all empty (or worse, incorrectly > filled) when running with V+jets, and vice versa. > > Just to keep things simple, and to avoid you having to put in e.g. a Z > veto for the dijets just to avoid filling plots incorrectly -- there is > no 100% robust way to determine the process type from an event record -- > my bias is toward splitting into two analyses. But I've not seen the code. > > I think if written as one analysis it would most likely always have to > be run as if it was two separate ones, maybe with awkward technicalities > needed to avoid the accidental overlaps. Since the dijet/V > cross-sections are so different, you're never going to run a generator > on both process types at the same time. In fact, it's pretty much > exactly the same pair of processes as were split into two analyses for > CDF's underlying event paper, and that has worked well. My $0.02. > > Andy > > > On 23/09/13 09:04, Hendrik Hoeth wrote: >> Hi Sal, >> >> really: either is fine. >> >> Hendrik >> >> Thus spake Salvatore Rappoccio (rappoccio at gmail.com): >> >>> Hi, Folks, >>> >>> Coming back to this : what's the ultimate decision here? We really >>> need something without delay. One routine, or two? Yes, there's no >>> fundamental objections either way, but if no one will use it if it is >>> in one routine, then we're going through a bit of a colossal effort >>> for very small payoff, which no one wants to see, of course. >>> >>> >>> Cheers, >>> Sal >>> >>> >>> On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote: >>>> Hi Albert, >>>> >>>> Sorry for the delayed reply -- I was on holiday after Boost and catching >>>> up with work while wading through 3000 emails has taken some time! >>>> >>>> I think the decision on whether we can accept it depends on how >>>> maintainable and portable the implementation is: if the decision on >>>> which histograms to fill is made by looking inside the HepMC record >>>> internals to classify a "hard process" then I would *really* prefer that >>>> it be split, since avoiding such features is precisely what Rivet is >>>> designed to avoid/discourage! (And we would then be responsible for >>>> maintaining/fixing it when that check doesn't work for some new >>>> generator in the future.) >>>> >>>> But if the behaviour is much safer than that, then it should be fine... >>>> it's your call, but if you can show me a bit of example code or describe >>>> how it currently works then I'll let you know. >>>> >>>> Typically the useful form of measurement data is corrected back to >>>> particle level to allow comparison to particular classes of hard event >>>> type, so for e.g. the CDF combined jet/Drell-Yan UE measurement it made >>>> most sense to split the analysis into two, one for each kind of matrix >>>> element -- obviously it wouldn't make sense to mix QCD and DY matrix >>>> elements in a generator run: you'd never get any events from the latter! >>>> But I don't know exactly what situation you are trying to handle. >>>> >>>> Sorry to not give a definite answer from the available info: there's no >>>> *fundamental* objection either way, but we will need to maintain the >>>> code ~forever and it does need to be *usable*, otherwise what's the point?! >>>> >>>> Best wishes, >>>> Andy >>>> >>>> >>>> On 21/08/13 09:23, Albert Knutsson wrote: >>>>> Hi Andy, >>>>> >>>>> I think it is great that you accept more than one plugin/paper. >>>>> >>>>> Previously I was told that the rule was one plugin per publication. >>>>> Therefore, I had already asked the plugin authors to make it that way for >>>>> this CMS analysis. Would you still accept it please, or do you want us to >>>>> split the files again? The plugin is essentially ready, just need one last >>>>> iteration before posting it here. >>>>> >>>>> Thanks in advance! >>>>> >>>>> Cheers, >>>>> Albert, Lars, Sara >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On 8/16/13 8:24 PM, Salvatore Rappoccio wrote: >>>>>> Hi, Andy, >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks a lot for the quick response! We will work very hard in the >>>>>> coming week(s) to get this out the door. >>>>>> >>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>> Sal >>>>>> >>>>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> >>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>> Yes, apologies that this wasn't clear. The "normal" situation is that >>>>>>> there is one analysis code per paper, because typically there is only >>>>>>> one process/topology type, but that rule is not absolute. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The existence proof for this "split" analysis code is CDF's last >>>>>>> underlying event paper which was combined to cover both the QCD jet and >>>>>>> Drell-Yan event selections: this is in Rivet as the two analyses >>>>>>> CDF_2010_S8591881_QCD and CDF_2010_S8591881_DY. Using a similar naming >>>>>>> scheme for your analysis would be ideal... and of course ask us >>>>>>> (rivet at projects.hepforge.org) if you've got any questions. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Best wishes, >>>>>>> Andy >>>>>>> >>>>>>> PS. I've included Lars Sonnenschein in the CC, as I think he has >>>>>>> recently replaced Albert as the CMS Rivet contact. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On 16/08/13 19:09, Salvatore Rappoccio wrote: >>>>>>>> Hi, All, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> There was some discussion at the BOOST workshop yesterday about this >>>>>>>> measurement's Rivet implementation. One thing that came up was that >>>>>>>> there need *not* be a one-to-one paper-to-routine mapping and that >>>>>>>> several routines can be made out of one paper. I think this would have >>>>>>>> helped enormously in this particular case, and having several >>>>>>>> topologies mapped into one routine has slowed this down tremendously. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In the future, I would suggest that the CMS requirements change, and >>>>>>>> we allow for a routine for any given topology. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> In the short term, we need Nhan's final implementation with the >>>>>>>> current "multiple topologies" implementation, which will be >>>>>>>> forthcoming soon. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>>>> Sal >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Albert Knutsson >>>>>>>> <albert.knutsson at cern.ch> wrote: >>>>>>>>> Hi Salvatore et al, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> thanks for your work with writing the rivet plugin. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Here are some things that come to my mind: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> * Please use rivet 1.8.2 it is available in CMSSW_5_3_9 and >>>>>>>>> CMSSW_6_2_0_pre2 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> * It looks like you are missing the .aida, .info and .plot files. >>>>>>>>> Examples you find here: >>>>>>>>> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_hepmc2.06.08/rivet/1.8.1/share/sources/data/anainfo/ >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_hepmc2.06.08/rivet/1.8.1/share/sources/data/plotinfo/ >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_hepmc2.06.08/rivet/1.8.1/share/sources/data/refdata/ >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> * Please also try take a look at Rivet coding conventions and the >>>>>>>>> feed back >>>>>>>>> from the rivet developers: >>>>>>>>> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/Rivet#General_feedback_to_CMS_from_the >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> http://projects.hepforge.org/rivet/trac/wiki/CodingStyleGuide >>>>>>>>> (The rivet developers are very picky.) >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> * For the validation CMS needs some validation plots. That is the >>>>>>>>> out put >>>>>>>>> from rivet compare to the data. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> There are more info on the our rivet twiki about all this. >>>>>>>>> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/Rivet >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Once you feel ready please send the files and plots to me and I >>>>>>>>> will do some >>>>>>>>> tests. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We can also discuss on skype/vidyo if you need some more >>>>>>>>> guidance/help. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>>>>> Albert >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On 3/15/13 5:52 PM, Salvatore Rappoccio wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi, Hannes, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot! Albert, I'll follow the instructions. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>>>>> Sal >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Hannes Jung <hannes.jung at cern.ch> >>>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Dear Salvatore et al >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I think Albert Knutsson (in cc) is the CMS responsible for Rivet. >>>>>>>>> He makes sure that the routines satisfy the standards and are properly >>>>>>>>> validated. So I think it is best to get in contact with him and follow >>>>>>>>> the advice on the CMS Twiki >>>>>>>>> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/Rivet >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Cheers >>>>>>>>> Hannes >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On 15.03.2013, at 17:44, Salvatore Rappoccio wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi, All, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> We (at CMS) have completed a measurement of the jet mass in dijet and >>>>>>>>> V+jet events. We have a Rivet routine for the dijet analysis already >>>>>>>>> done (attached) and the V+jets in the works. We will have the data >>>>>>>>> uploaded to HEPData very soon. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> What are the steps we need to do in order to get this analysis >>>>>>>>> "riveted"? >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>>>>> Sal, Nhan, Kalanand, David for CMS >>>>>>>>> <MC_JETSTRUCTURE-1.cc>_______________________________________________ >>>>>>>>> Rivet mailing list >>>>>>>>> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org >>>>>>>>> http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> *********************************************************************** >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hannes Jung >>>>>>>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de >>>>>>>>> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741 >>>>>>>>> http://www.desy.de/~jung >>>>>>>>> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 >>>>>>>>> Fax: +49 (0) 40 8994 3741 >>>>>>>>> DESY, CMS 01B/02.213 >>>>>>>>> Notkestr.85, 22603 Hamburg, FRG >>>>>>>>> *********************************************************************** >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> Rivet mailing list >>>>>>>> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org >>>>>>>> http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow >>>>>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow >>>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Rivet mailing list >>> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org >>> http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet >
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