[Rivet] BUG fix!! HEpData -> Yoda problem: Crash for HepData with large (asymmetric) pT bin

Kristin Lohwasser kristin.lohwasser at cern.ch
Fri Jul 25 16:03:08 BST 2014

Dear all,

I have imported HepData and initialized a Yoda histogram in rivet with 
this. I however get now a crash for a histogram, with large pT bin, 
where I believe, the export algorithm from the HEPdata does have a small 

I want to plot this histogram

This is what is written in the *yoda file:

# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/ATLAS_2014_I1282447/d06-x01-y04
# xval   xerr-   xerr+   yval   yerr-   yerr+
10.0	2.0	2.0			0.38	0.03605551275463989	0.03605551275463989
16.0	4.0	4.0			0.35	0.0282842712474619	0.0282842712474619
30.0	10.0	10.0			0.23	0.01414213562373095	0.01414213562373095
60.0	6940.0	20.0			0.085	0.009433981132056603	0.009433981132056603

And when I initialize the histogram with this setting, I get an error 
message and a crash (namely:
Rivet_i             FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
Rivet_i             ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
--> the full output is pasted below after the signature).

This is solved by reversing the xerr- and xerr+, so I believe, this 
should be somehow fixed in the calculation of the bin borders in the HEP 
data (?) scripts.

30.0    10.0    10.0            0.26    0.03162277660168379 
60.0    20.0    6940.0            0.094    0.01676305461424021 

Thanks and best

Rivet_i             FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
Rivet_i             ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
AthAlgSeq           FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
AthAlgSeq           ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
AthMasterSeq        FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
AthMasterSeq        ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 11, in <module>
     theApp.run()     # runs until theApp.EvtMax events reached
line 627, in run
     sc = self.getHandle()._evtpro.executeRun( nEvt )
RuntimeError: (file "", line 0) Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8 (C++ exception)
StoreGateSvc         INFO Stop StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc         INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so that 
event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores
TagMetaDataStore     INFO Stop TagMetaDataStore
../../EVGEN/nom/amcatnlo_nom_340.pool.root Info Database being retired...
Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Deaccess DbDatabase   READ [ROOT_All] 
MetaDataStore        INFO Stop MetaDataStore
InputMetaDataStore   INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
Rivet_i              INFO Rivet_i finalizing
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y01 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y02 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y03 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y01 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y02 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y01 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y02 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y03 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y04 created 
from YODA::Histo1D
THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 

On 25.07.2014 11:39, Kristin Lohwasser wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks for the help, it seems to be working now.
> One thing, that I was not aware of... --> you need to change the 
> *.plot file *EVEN* if you are using the pre-defined histograms from 
> HEP Data. (Not sure, whether I overlooked this or whether it should be 
> mentioned somewhere).
> I have another, slightly odd request / question (mainly to RIVET):
> Is there any possibility to select the leptons (virtual W bosons) from 
> semileptonic heavy flavour decays? And then feed these as veto 
> particles into the Jet Finding?
> Thanks & Cheers
> Kristin
> On 24.07.2014 11:51, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> D'oh, my mail client malfunctioned and forwarded your own message back
>> to you. Damn thing. Here is the one I meant to re-send:
>> Andy
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [Yoda] Plotting with Yoda?
>> Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 22:38:30 +0100
>> From: Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch>
>> Reply-To: andy.buckley at cern.ch
>> To: Email the developers (subscription not required)
>> <yoda at projects.hepforge.org>
>> On 18/07/14 16:57, Kristin Lohwasser wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am a newcomer to Rivet/Yoda and I am all alone in my quest....
>> Hi Kristin,
>> Hope we can make it less lonely :-)
>>> I am trying to implement an ATLAS analysis for rivet and I have 
>>> achieved
>>> to have a full routine because of some features of the jet routine, I
>>> thought I'd test the plotting side of things.
>>> Basically, what I have done is:
>>> 1) Download / create analysis
>>> rivet-mkanalysis ATLAS_2012_I1282447
>>> 2) tried to run yoda on it:
>>> yoda2flat ATLAS_2012_I1282447.yoda
>>> (there are some problems, output: failing to parse this line...)
>> Hmm, interesting... can you send use those error messages?
>>> make-plots ATLAS_2010_S8919674.dat yields:
>>> %make-plots ATLAS_2012_I1282447.dat
>>> Making 1 plot
>>> Plotting ATLAS_2012_I1282447.dat (0 remaining)
>>> Error: max() arg is an empty sequence
>>> it seems there are some problems with the data definitions / how the
>>> data is defined in HEP Data (and I guess, yes, there are some
>>> exceptional tables, e.g. uncertainty matrices etc.), so I thought maybe
>>> I'll try it just for the first 2 or 3 histos to get a feel, however not
>>> even that works:
>>> yoda2flat test.yoda (as attached)
>>> % make-plots test.dat
>>> Making 1 plot
>>> Plotting test.dat (0 remaining)
>>> dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened.
>> I think the problem here is that you're trying to use yoda2flat which is
>> *not* intended to produce files for plotting via make-plots, although
>> the two "flat" formats are similar.
>> Have you tried running rivet-mkhtml or rivet-cmphistos + make-plots on
>> your .yoda files?
>>> I am running rivet/yoda as implemented/setup in Athena relsease
>>> asetup devval,64,rel2
>> That should by Rivet 2.1.2 and the latest YODA release, so fully up to
>> date. No problem there.
>>> It would be great to get any hints, because at this stage, I am not
>>> sure, whether:
>>> - 2Dscatter histograms should not work (not sure even, why it is
>>> exported at this)
>> What is the final type of your histogram in the code? Maybe attach your
>> .yoda file so we can look at it. 1D histograms should write out as
>> HISTO1D type in the .yoda file, even if they have been scaled, but if
>> you do something like divide two histos then you get a scatter because
>> there's no longer a meaningful sum-of-weights, etc..
>>> - whether yoda genuinely does not work (yet) with the rivet version 
>>> from
>>> Athena I am using (would I have to install it myself)?
>> It should do (see above). I think the problem is confusion about the two
>> types of .dat file.
>>> I am also a bit confused as to whether I should implement my own
>>> histograms or take the hepdata definition (to take that one would be
>>> great, cause as far as I understand, this way one would be easily
>>> capable of doing data/MC plots).
>> If you can take what's in HepData, that's usually easiest. If you have
>> problems reading the exported format then please let us / the HepData
>> managers know.
>>> Any pointer, also to a tutorial younger than November 2013 at CERN 
>>> would
>>> be useful. I would really be very very grateful!
>> I am going to write a manual for YODA as soon as possible -- many other
>> things needing to be done first, unfortunately! The Nov 2011 tutorial
>> was the most recent one that I've given on the whole Rivet system...
>> feels like it's about time to give another one. But I don't think it is
>> very out of date...
>>> And then a link maybe useful to you:
>>> http://www.everydayhowto.net/recreation-and-sports/origami-yoda-how-to-make-a-jedi-master-from-paper/ 
>>> (production of merchandising)
>> Ha, awesome! Now I'm even more pleased at our violation of Lucas'
>> copyright ;-) That will be a great graphic to use if we ever add
>> "folding" machinery to Rivet...
>> Let us know if rivet-cmphistos or rivet-mkhtml help. And if you have any
>> other requirements, queries, etc. -- YODA is a side-project, but I hope
>> we can make it a really nice tool and provide some half-decent 
>> support :-)
>> Andy

Dr. Kristin Lohwasser

Raum: 3L-022
Telefon +49 33762 7-7647
Platanenallee 6
D-15738 Zeuthen

Kristin.Lohwasser at cern.ch

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