[Rivet] BUG fix!! HEpData -> Yoda problem: Crash for HepData with large (asymmetric) pT bin

Kristin Lohwasser kristin.lohwasser at cern.ch
Fri Jul 25 16:04:54 BST 2014

sorry, I meant to add the HEP data but then pressed the send button 

--> Dear HEP data people, please have a look at the error message 
reported below.

Thanks & Cheers & a nice weekend!

On 25.07.2014 17:03, Kristin Lohwasser wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have imported HepData and initialized a Yoda histogram in rivet with 
> this. I however get now a crash for a histogram, with large pT bin, 
> where I believe, the export algorithm from the HEPdata does have a 
> small bug:
> I want to plot this histogram
> http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins1282447/d6
> This is what is written in the *yoda file:
> # BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D /REF/ATLAS_2014_I1282447/d06-x01-y04
> Path=/REF/ATLAS_2014_I1282447/d06-x01-y04
> Type=Scatter2D
> # xval   xerr-   xerr+   yval   yerr-   yerr+
> 10.0    2.0    2.0            0.38    0.03605551275463989 
> 0.03605551275463989
> 16.0    4.0    4.0            0.35    0.0282842712474619 
> 0.0282842712474619
> 30.0    10.0    10.0            0.23    0.01414213562373095 
> 0.01414213562373095
> 60.0    6940.0    20.0            0.085    0.009433981132056603 
> 0.009433981132056603
> And when I initialize the histogram with this setting, I get an error 
> message and a crash (namely:
> Rivet_i             FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
> Rivet_i             ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
> --> the full output is pasted below after the signature).
> This is solved by reversing the xerr- and xerr+, so I believe, this 
> should be somehow fixed in the calculation of the bin borders in the 
> HEP data (?) scripts.
> 30.0    10.0    10.0            0.26    0.03162277660168379 
> 0.03162277660168379
> 60.0    20.0    6940.0            0.094    0.01676305461424021 
> 0.01676305461424021
> Thanks and best
> Kristin
> Rivet_i             FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
> Rivet_i             ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
> AthAlgSeq           FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
> AthAlgSeq           ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
> AthMasterSeq        FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
> AthMasterSeq        ERROR Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_2/InstallArea/jobOptions/AthenaCommon/runbatch.py", 
> line 11, in <module>
>     theApp.run()     # runs until theApp.EvtMax events reached
>   File 
> "/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/devval/AtlasCore/rel_2/InstallArea/python/AthenaCommon/AppMgr.py", 
> line 627, in run
>     sc = self.getHandle()._evtpro.executeRun( nEvt )
> RuntimeError: (file "", line 0) Bin edges overlap: 80 -> 8 (C++ 
> exception)
> StoreGateSvc         INFO Stop StoreGateSvc
> StoreGateSvc         INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so 
> that event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores
> TagMetaDataStore     INFO Stop TagMetaDataStore
> ../../EVGEN/nom/amcatnlo_nom_340.pool.root Info Database being retired...
> Domain[ROOT_All] Info ->  Deaccess DbDatabase   READ [ROOT_All] 
> EB46D5BB-C889-814A-AA59-490518DA41E1
> MetaDataStore        INFO Stop MetaDataStore
> InputMetaDataStore   INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore
> ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
> Rivet_i              INFO Rivet_i finalizing
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y01"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y01 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y02"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y02 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y03"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d01_x01_y03 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y01"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y01 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y02"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d03_x01_y02 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y01"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y01 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y02"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y02 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y03"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y03 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y04"
> Rivet_i              INFO TH1D /ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d04_x01_y04 
> created from YODA::Histo1D
> THistSvc          WARNING no stream "Rivet" associated with id: 
> "/Rivet/ATLAS_2012_I1282447/d05_x01_y01"
> R
> On 25.07.2014 11:39, Kristin Lohwasser wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> thanks for the help, it seems to be working now.
>> One thing, that I was not aware of... --> you need to change the 
>> *.plot file *EVEN* if you are using the pre-defined histograms from 
>> HEP Data. (Not sure, whether I overlooked this or whether it should 
>> be mentioned somewhere).
>> I have another, slightly odd request / question (mainly to RIVET):
>> Is there any possibility to select the leptons (virtual W bosons) 
>> from semileptonic heavy flavour decays? And then feed these as veto 
>> particles into the Jet Finding?
>> Thanks & Cheers
>> Kristin
>> On 24.07.2014 11:51, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> D'oh, my mail client malfunctioned and forwarded your own message back
>>> to you. Damn thing. Here is the one I meant to re-send:
>>> Andy
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [Yoda] Plotting with Yoda?
>>> Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 22:38:30 +0100
>>> From: Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch>
>>> Reply-To: andy.buckley at cern.ch
>>> To: Email the developers (subscription not required)
>>> <yoda at projects.hepforge.org>
>>> On 18/07/14 16:57, Kristin Lohwasser wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I am a newcomer to Rivet/Yoda and I am all alone in my quest....
>>> Hi Kristin,
>>> Hope we can make it less lonely :-)
>>>> I am trying to implement an ATLAS analysis for rivet and I have 
>>>> achieved
>>>> to have a full routine because of some features of the jet routine, I
>>>> thought I'd test the plotting side of things.
>>>> Basically, what I have done is:
>>>> 1) Download / create analysis
>>>> rivet-mkanalysis ATLAS_2012_I1282447
>>>> 2) tried to run yoda on it:
>>>> yoda2flat ATLAS_2012_I1282447.yoda
>>>> (there are some problems, output: failing to parse this line...)
>>> Hmm, interesting... can you send use those error messages?
>>>> make-plots ATLAS_2010_S8919674.dat yields:
>>>> %make-plots ATLAS_2012_I1282447.dat
>>>> Making 1 plot
>>>> Plotting ATLAS_2012_I1282447.dat (0 remaining)
>>>> Error: max() arg is an empty sequence
>>>> it seems there are some problems with the data definitions / how the
>>>> data is defined in HEP Data (and I guess, yes, there are some
>>>> exceptional tables, e.g. uncertainty matrices etc.), so I thought 
>>>> maybe
>>>> I'll try it just for the first 2 or 3 histos to get a feel, however 
>>>> not
>>>> even that works:
>>>> yoda2flat test.yoda (as attached)
>>>> % make-plots test.dat
>>>> Making 1 plot
>>>> Plotting test.dat (0 remaining)
>>>> dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened.
>>> I think the problem here is that you're trying to use yoda2flat 
>>> which is
>>> *not* intended to produce files for plotting via make-plots, although
>>> the two "flat" formats are similar.
>>> Have you tried running rivet-mkhtml or rivet-cmphistos + make-plots on
>>> your .yoda files?
>>>> I am running rivet/yoda as implemented/setup in Athena relsease
>>>> asetup devval,64,rel2
>>> That should by Rivet 2.1.2 and the latest YODA release, so fully up to
>>> date. No problem there.
>>>> It would be great to get any hints, because at this stage, I am not
>>>> sure, whether:
>>>> - 2Dscatter histograms should not work (not sure even, why it is
>>>> exported at this)
>>> What is the final type of your histogram in the code? Maybe attach your
>>> .yoda file so we can look at it. 1D histograms should write out as
>>> HISTO1D type in the .yoda file, even if they have been scaled, but if
>>> you do something like divide two histos then you get a scatter because
>>> there's no longer a meaningful sum-of-weights, etc..
>>>> - whether yoda genuinely does not work (yet) with the rivet version 
>>>> from
>>>> Athena I am using (would I have to install it myself)?
>>> It should do (see above). I think the problem is confusion about the 
>>> two
>>> types of .dat file.
>>>> I am also a bit confused as to whether I should implement my own
>>>> histograms or take the hepdata definition (to take that one would be
>>>> great, cause as far as I understand, this way one would be easily
>>>> capable of doing data/MC plots).
>>> If you can take what's in HepData, that's usually easiest. If you have
>>> problems reading the exported format then please let us / the HepData
>>> managers know.
>>>> Any pointer, also to a tutorial younger than November 2013 at CERN 
>>>> would
>>>> be useful. I would really be very very grateful!
>>> I am going to write a manual for YODA as soon as possible -- many other
>>> things needing to be done first, unfortunately! The Nov 2011 tutorial
>>> was the most recent one that I've given on the whole Rivet system...
>>> feels like it's about time to give another one. But I don't think it is
>>> very out of date...
>>>> And then a link maybe useful to you:
>>>> http://www.everydayhowto.net/recreation-and-sports/origami-yoda-how-to-make-a-jedi-master-from-paper/ 
>>>> (production of merchandising)
>>> Ha, awesome! Now I'm even more pleased at our violation of Lucas'
>>> copyright ;-) That will be a great graphic to use if we ever add
>>> "folding" machinery to Rivet...
>>> Let us know if rivet-cmphistos or rivet-mkhtml help. And if you have 
>>> any
>>> other requirements, queries, etc. -- YODA is a side-project, but I hope
>>> we can make it a really nice tool and provide some half-decent 
>>> support :-)
>>> Andy

Dr. Kristin Lohwasser

Raum: 3L-022
Telefon +49 33762 7-7647
Platanenallee 6
D-15738 Zeuthen

Kristin.Lohwasser at cern.ch

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