[Rivet] VetoedFinalStates on jetskristin Lohwasser kristin.lohwasser at cern.chMon Jun 2 15:46:10 BST 2014
Dear all, I would like to check something on the Jets coming with a Vetoed final state applied, essentially I require a WFinder and exclude its decay products from the jets. --> Question: Does this contain the bremsstrahlungs photons coming from the electrons? --> Is there any (elegant) way to exclude them as well? Code is below the signature. Thanks for any hints & Best Kristin WFinder wfinder_born_el(fs, -2.5, 2.5, 20*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 0*GeV, 8000*GeV, 15*GeV, 0., WFinder::CLUSTERNODECAY ); addProjection(wfinder_born_el, "WFinder_born_el"); // Input for the jets: no neutrinos, no muons, and no electron which passed the electron cuts VetoedFinalState veto; veto.addVetoOnThisFinalState(wfinder_born_el); veto.addVetoPairId(PID::MUON); veto.addVetoPairId(PID::ANTIMUON); veto.vetoNeutrinos(); FastJets jets(veto, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4); addProjection(jets, "jets"); -- **************************************************** Dr. Kristin Lohwasser DESY Zeuthen Raum: 3L-022 Telefon +49 33762 7-7647 Platanenallee 6 D-15738 Zeuthen Deutschland Kristin.Lohwasser at cern.ch ****************************************************
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