[Rivet] [Rivet-announce] Rivet 2.1.2 and YODA 1.0.7 releasedAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chMon Jun 2 15:30:44 BST 2014
We are very happy to announce the release of Rivet version 2.1.2. This release adds seven new analysis routines from ATLAS and CMS, fixes a few bugs in CMS_2013_I1209721, OPAL_1998_S3749908, and in the Rivet::Particle::abspid function, improves clang and Boost compiler compatibility, and adds new utility functions, more handy direct kinematics functions on Jet and Particle, and finally reactivates our support for 2D histogramming, including 2D profile histograms. As always, this new version is recommended for immediate use. Please keep sending us your feedback and analysis codes! At the same time we are releasing version 1.0.7 of the YODA data analysis package, which is recommended for use with Rivet 2.1.2 -- but please also try it out in non-Rivet projects: we hop you'll find it a refreshingly nice way to handle physics data! The new YODA release includes many significant improvements and new features, such as a further improved yodamerge algorithm, data file ASCII portability improvements, near-complete I/.O support for 2D histograms and profiles, better behaviours of conversion scripts, new yodacnv and yodahist scripts, and many major improvements in the Python mappings. It's a big release! Again feedback is more than welcome. Since it's proven impossible for us to make new Rivet releases for analysis updates faster than every 1-2 months, we have also created a "Rivet Contrib" area in our downloads site where newly submitted analysis codes will be placed immediately: see https://www.hepforge.org/archive/rivet/contrib/ and the README file in that location. These analyses don't come with any "Rivet guarantee" but we hope it will be useful to users who want to use the very latest analyses and don't mind doing some technical work and physics checking to get them working! Best wishes, Andy and the Rivet/YODA team -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN _______________________________________________ Rivet-announce mailing list Rivet-announce at projects.hepforge.org https://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet-announce
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