[Rivet] how to get insoire ID for data points

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at desy.de
Wed May 7 21:49:48 BST 2014

Ahh,.... so maybe the old code just worked, because 
papers still had a spires id..... good to know....
Thanks a  lot for the very prompt  (and late evening) responses

On 07.05.2014, at 22:43, Graeme Watt <Graeme.Watt at durham.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Andy,
> Yes, the HepData URL schemes are of the form:
>  http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/irn${SPIRESID}
>  http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins${InspireID}
> but not:
>  http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/irn${InspireID}
> As you mentioned, it looks like you're doing things correctly in the
> latest "rivet-mkanalysis" (last changed by you 10 months ago).  More
> recent papers such as arXiv:1401.7610 don't have any SPIRES ID, so they
> don't get assigned a HepData "irn" URL.
> Best regards,
> Graeme
> On 05/07/14 21:20, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> Ah, I see. The old version is the problem, since newer versions of
>> rivet-mkanalysis have these lines:
>> if INSPIRE_SPIRES == "I":
>>    hdurl = "http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins%s/yoda" % ANAINSPIREID
>> elif INSPIRE_SPIRES == "S":
>>    hdurl = "http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/irn%s/yoda" % ANAINSPIREID
>> i.e. we pick different URLs based on whether there is an I or an S in
>> the analysis name. Sorry Mike & Graeme, I guess this wasn't a HepData
>> change after all!
>> Hannes, have you tried using the new bootstrap script to get Rivet 2.x
>> building on your Mac? The latest set of instructions should work widely,
>> apart from a recent OS X bug where Apple didn't update Python when they
>> distributed a new version of the clang compiler which removed support
>> for some command line flags. If you are using OS X Mavericks with the
>> clang compiler then you should set these environment variables before
>> building Rivet:
>> export CC=clang
>> export CXX=clang++
>> export CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
>> export CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
>> For earlier Mac setups it should hopefully "just work" (of course the
>> problem with development tools on Macs as opposed to Linux has been that
>> historically they *don't* "just work"! But once this latest OS X build
>> tools bug has been fixed, the system tools should finally be reliable
>> and hopefully we'll have fewer Mac support calls to respond to ;-) )
>> If nothing else, please update at least to version 1.9.0!
>> Andy
>> On 07/05/14 21:59, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>> perfect... yes this is working...
>>> hmmm. I am still using an old version 1.8.3.... sorry..... 
>>> still having problems with 2.X to get working on my mac....
>>> Cheers
>>> Hannes
>>> On 07.05.2014, at 21:56, Holger Schulz <hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
>>> <mailto:hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de>> wrote:
>>>> On 07/05/14 20:51, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>> Hi Holger
>>>>> thanks a lot for this superfast response..... great....
>>>>> it's not only for this file but for several papers I tried...
>>>>> Is there an easy way to fix this ?
>>>> Yes. If it's the same error all over, edit whatever `which
>>>> rivet-mkanalysis`
>>>> returns. Look for the line that looks like this:
>>>>    hdurl = "http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/*irn*%s/aida" % ANAINSPIREID
>>>> and change it to
>>>>    hdurl = "http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/*ins*%s/aida" % ANAINSPIREID
>>>> Please report back on your findings and which version of rivet you are
>>>> using.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Holger
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> Hannes
>>>>> On 07.05.2014, at 21:48, Holger Schulz <hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
>>>>> <mailto:hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 07/05/14 20:32, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Hannes,
>>>>>> for some reason the URL has of the data file on HepData has changed from
>>>>>>    http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/irn1279489/aida
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>    http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins1279489/aida
>>>>>> I need to find out whether this happened erroneous or if a more
>>>>>> refined url specification in rivet-mkanalysis is needed.
>>>>>> I attached the aida file to this mail for you to proceed.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Holger
>>>>>>> Dear Rivet gurus
>>>>>>> I am trying to code some analysis in Rivet, which is already 
>>>>>>> published and where the data points are on Hepdata:
>>>>>>> For example https://inspirehep.net/record/1279489?ln=en
>>>>>>> if i then do 
>>>>>>> rivet-mkanalysis ATLAS_2014_I1279489
>>>>>>> I was hoping to get the aida or yoda file with the data points,
>>>>>>> but I don't. What am I doing wrong ?
>>>>>>> Is the Inspire ID wrong, and if yes, where do I get it from ?
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Hannes
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>>>>>>> Hannes Jung 
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>>>>> Hannes Jung 
>>>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de <mailto:Hannes.Jung at desy.de> 
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>>> Hannes Jung 
>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de <mailto:Hannes.Jung at desy.de> 
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Hannes Jung 
Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de 
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741         
Fax: +49 (0) 40 8994 3741
DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
Notkestr.85, 22603 Hamburg, FRG   

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