[Rivet] New device slashes power costs in halfKevin Wright kevinwright at carmodelsfinder.comSat Aug 15 18:39:27 BST 2015
I Plugged This Into The Wall And My Energy Bill Went Away If you ever dreamt of not paying for power then you have to see how this works Last week I simply plugged this into my outlet and I stopped paying for heating, cooling, all appliances, and more. View The CNN Tech Report Experts predict energy costs will triple by August 15 generators are used to supply electrical power in places where utility d6o (central station) po wer is not a ovailable, or where power is needed only temporarily. Small generators are sometimes used to supply power tools at construction sites. Trailea 6o r-mounted generators supply power for temporary in stallations of lighting, sound amplification systems, amusement rides etc. Trailer mounted generators or mobile gena d6o erators, diesel gena 6o erators are also used for emergencies or bac kup where either aa 6o redundant system is required or no generator is on site. To make the hookup faster an d safer, a tie in panel is frequently installed near the buildinga 6o switchgear that cona 6o tains connectors suc h as camlocks. The tie in panel may also a ocont d6o ain a phase rotation indicator (fse systems) and a circuit breaker. a 6o Camlock connectors are rated for 40 d6o 0 amps up to 48 d6o 0 volt systems and used wype W cable conne d6o cting to the generator. Tie in panel designs are common betwee d6o np applications. Standby power generators ara 6o e permanently installed and kept ready to supply power to critical loads during temporary interruptions of the utility power supply. Hospia otals, commvunications service installations, dat a processing centersa 6o , sewag d6o e pumping stations and many other important faca oilities are equipped with standb y power generators. Some standby power generators can automaticalla 6o y detect the loss of grid power, start th e motor, run using fuel from a natural gas lia 6o ne, detect when grid power is restored, an -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20150815/b947cc62/attachment.html>
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