[Rivet] ATLAS_2014_I1327229: Inclusive multilepton search

Christian Gütschow chris.g at cern.ch
Mon Aug 17 20:13:22 BST 2015

Dear Rivet authors,

we have prepared a Rivet routine for the ATLAS inclusive multilepton search
at 8 TeV (http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.2921). The routine has been used to set
the limits presented in the paper.

I've just uploaded the corresponding tarball to the contributions area.
(NB: This routine does not come with a reference data file!)



 Dr. Christian Gütschow

 TU Dresden
 Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
 Zellescher Weg 19
 01069 Dresden

 > E17, Andreas-Schubert-Bau
 > chris.g at cern.ch
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