[Rivet] Mark-Cuban invested all the way in product for females

Calvin Machan calvinmachan at autget.org
Tue Aug 18 08:54:38 BST 2015

          Shark Tank
          TUESDAY AUGUST 18 2015
          Best Product for Females - Shark Tank Special
          A super popular new product is helping tons of people burn all that extra fat. 
            After Battling it out with one another, the Sharks have just put up the biggest investment in their history. Get the body you want in just a week so you look your very best for any occasion. 
            This will help you get rid of all that extra fat in just 5 days!
          Top Product In Shark Tank's History
          This product help's you with your intake of food, cleans all toxins from your body and
does not allow fat or sugar to stick. 
thletes should remember to urinate and defecate as this is an easy way to reduce weight. Some athletes may choose to take diuretics and laxatives to aid in this. Some diuretics are banned by the WADA in events such as the Olympics as they mask Steroid detection

dical treatment can directly or indirectly cause weight loss, impairing treatment effectiveness
 and re vcovery that can lead to  cz7v further weight loss in a vicious cycle
Many patients will be in pain and have a loss of appetite after surger Part of the body's response to surger
y is to direct energy to wound healing, which increases the body's  7voverall ene cz7v rgy requirementsSurgery affe
cts nutritional  cz7v status indirectly, particularly during the recovery period, as it can interfere with wound hea
ling and other aspects of recovery.rgery directly affects nutritional status if a p 6cz7v rocedure permanen
tly alters the digestive sy vste Enteral nutrition (tube feeding) is often needed. However a policy of 'nil by 
mouth' for all gastrointestinal surgery has z7v  not been shown to benefit, 
evsion series The Fat Controller is always the same man, with the same wife and grandchildren. 
He is in his mid (as evident in a newspaper article in the Great Discovery), although his v
oice in the U z7v K versions sometimes hint a 6cz7v t old age, and he has even appe z7v ared with a white mousta
che in certain episodes. Very little of his history is revealed, although we do see more of his e
xtended family, including his mother (Dowager Hatt), and his mischievous brother  cz7v  ghgh ha).
 In the first season, he and all the o vther human characters were made out of lead. From the second 
 season onwards, they were made out of resin so they could move around more easily.
He is shown to be 7v a qualified railway engine driver when he brings Percy to the yard for the first t
ime. He is in charge of all the e 6cz7v ngines on Sodor and seemingly has a great deal of say over other ve
hicles. As a young man, he learnt to drive in Elizabeth the vi z7v ntage Sentinel lorry. He has overseen
 the construction of a number of lines, railway services, and has been involved with the opening of
arrator Mel Ais portrayed the character with  cz7v a strong Yorkshire accent, with a low gru
ff voice a trait of whi z7v ch has been continued when Pierce Brosnan briefly took over the mantle, and 
also  7vwhen individual voice artists were brought in to voice the character vs (The Fat Controller being v
oiced by em in the  version, and Ke cz7v rry Shale in the US version). In the American version, 
he has almost always been referred to by his actual name.

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