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word there is comfort  c6seyn  for all our losses." He struck a bold note, but  the  heart  of  Mary  made  no response. "Better," she said,"I had still  dv5c6sen  been  in  Lochleven, than 

seen the  dv5c6sen  slaughter made by rebels among the subjects who offered  themselves  to  death for my sake. Speak not to me  c6seyn  of farther efforts - they  would  only  hi  the  lives  of 

you,the friends who recommend them! I would not again undergo what I  felt, when   seyn  I  saw  phdv5c6eyn  from  c6seyn  yonder mount the swords of the fell  horsemen  of  Morton  raging  among   seyn  the  faithful 

Seytons and Hamiltons,for their loyalty to their queen - i  would  not  again  hil  what  i felt when Douglas's life-blood stained my  seyn  mantle for his  phdv5c6eyn  love to  Mary  Stewart  -  not  to 

be empress of all that Britain's seas  dv5c6sen  enclose. Find for me some place where  I   hdv5c6syn   seyn  can  hide  my unhappy head,which brings destruction on  phdv5c6eyn  all who love it   phdv5c6eyn  -  it  is  the  last  favour 

that Mary asks of her faithful followers." In this dejected mood,but still pursuing  her  flight  with unabated rapidity,the unfortunate  Mary, after  having  been  joined  by    Lord   c6seyn  

Herries and a few followers,at length halted, for  the   phdv5c6eyn   seyn  first  time, at  the  Abbey  phdv5c6eyn   of Dundrennan,nearly sixty miles distant from the field of battle.  In  this   5c6seyn  remote  quarter 

of Galloway, dv5c6sen  the Reformation not having  seyn  yet been strictly  enforced  against  the  monks,a few still lingered in their cells unmolested; and the Prior,with tears  and  6seyn   reverence,

received the fugitive Queen at the gate of his convent. "I bring you ruin,my good father, 6seyn  "  said  the  Queen, as she was lifted from  6seyn  her palfrey. 

"It is welcome," said  the   phdv5c6eyn  Prior, "if  it  comes  5c6seyn   in  the train of duty." Placed on the  c6seyn  ground,and  supported  by  her  ladies, the 

Queen  hdv5c6syn  looked for an instant at her palfrey,which,jaded and  drooping  its  head, seemed as if it mourned the distresses of its mistress. 

"Good Roland," said the Queen, c6seyn  whispering,  5c6seyn  "let   6seyn  Rosabelle be cared for - ask thy heart,and it will  phdv5c6eyn  tell thee  why  I  make  this  trifling  request 

even in this awful hour." She was conductedto her  apartment, and  in  the  hurried consultation of her  5c6seyn  attendants,the  fatal   5c6seyn  resolution  of  the  retreat  to England    was 

finally adopted.  hdv5c6syn  In the morning it  phdv5c6eyn  received her approbation,and  a  messenger  was  despatched to the English warden,to pray him for safe-conduct and hospitality,on  the  part  of  the 

Queen  c6seyn  of Scotland. On the next day the Abbot Ambrose walked in  c6seyn   the  garden  of  the  Abbey with Roland,to  seyn  whom he expressed his disapprobation of  the  course  pursued.   "It 

is madness and ruin,"  phdv5c6eyn  he  6seyn  said;  seyn  "better commit herself to the  savage  Highlanders  or  5c6seyn   wild Bordermen, hdv5c6syn  than to the faith of Elizabeth.  A  woman  to  a  rival  woman  -  a  presumptive 

successor to the keeping of a jealous and childless Queen!- Roland,Herries  is  true  and loyal,but his counsel has ruined his mistress."   c6seyn  

"Ay,ruin follows us every where," said an  old  man, with a spade in his hand,and  5c6seyn  dressed like a lay-brother, of  whose  presence, in  the 

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