[Rivet] Rivet plugin ALICE_2014_I1300380

Enrico Fragiacomo enrico.fragiacomo at ts.infn.it
Thu Jul 2 14:26:20 BST 2015

Hello Holger,

in the data analysis, the final pT distributions are corrected with the 
Montecarlo for the inefficiencies like those due to the kinetic cuts on 
the daughter particles (and also for the acceptance,...). This is 
described in Section 2.3 in the paper. This holds for those pT bins 
where we are able to extract the signal.

The fact that e.g. for the Sigma(1385) we do not have spectra points 
below 0.7 GeV/c is in fact due to the large inefficiency at low pT which 
makes impossible to extract the Sigma(1385) signal. In order to measure 
the total yield (dN/dy) or the mean pT (<pT>), an extrapolation of the 
spectrum to pT=0 is performed. This is described in Section 3 of the paper.

Does this answer your question?
Thank you.

On 07/02/2015 02:56 PM, Holger Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> we are about to release Rivet 2.3.0 and are currently going over the 
> list of not
> yet included analyses.
> Looking at your analysis I do not quite understand the kinematic cuts 
> applied at
> hadron level. In the publication there is a table "common cuts" that 
> lists a pT
> cut of 0.15 GeV for all selected particles.
> Then in you final plots, the pT distributions appear to have a cut of
> pT>1 GeV. The plugin, however, does not have a pT cut whatsoever.
> Could you please clarify this? Otherwise I can only include your analysis
> marked as "UNVALIDATED" in the next release.
> Thanks,
> Holger

Enrico Fragiacomo
INFN - Sezione di Trieste
via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy
tel./fax. +39-040-5583392

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