[Rivet] Rivet plugin ALICE_2014_I1300380Holger Schulz holger.schulz at durham.ac.ukThu Jul 2 13:56:05 BST 2015
Hi, we are about to release Rivet 2.3.0 and are currently going over the list of not yet included analyses. Looking at your analysis I do not quite understand the kinematic cuts applied at hadron level. In the publication there is a table "common cuts" that lists a pT cut of 0.15 GeV for all selected particles. Then in you final plots, the pT distributions appear to have a cut of pT>1 GeV. The plugin, however, does not have a pT cut whatsoever. Could you please clarify this? Otherwise I can only include your analysis marked as "UNVALIDATED" in the next release. Thanks, Holger
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