[Rivet] [Rivet-announce] New Rivet 2.2.1 and YODA 1.3.1 releasesAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chTue Mar 24 21:51:34 GMT 2015
Dear Rivet users, We're very pleased to announce the release of Rivet 2.2.1 and an accompanying release of version 1.3.1 of the YODA histogramming package. They're available for download immediately from http://rivet.hepforge.org/ and http://yoda.hepforge.org/ respectively. This new release of Rivet is a minor version update containing several important bug fixes and improvements: a bugfix in isCharmHadron(pid), use of vector rather than scalar pT for the MET cut in WFinder, a fix to the transverse mass setting (also) in WFinder, improvement of numerical tolerance handling in the Vector3::angle() function, and adding a missing projection comparison operator to the HeavyHadrons class. In addition there are some feature improvements: the Cuts system has been improved with new Cuts::abseta and Cuts::absrap selectors, and the ability to logically combine them with standard &&, || etc. operators. Many Projection interfaces have also been updated to use the new Cuts functionality. We've also added a --cmd option to rivet-buildplugin to help users of LCG Grid distributions, and the possibiity to pass PLOT parameters via a pseudo-file argument to rivet-cmphistos and rivet-mkhtml. Finally we have provided a FinalPartons projection to help, for example, with the new QCDAware Fastjet plugin, a set of particle charge/sign comparison functions, and 16 new analyses! Please see the ChangeLog (https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/ChangeLog) for the full list of substantial changes since release 2.2.0. The new version of YODA is also a bugfix release, but we have added a first versions of built-in Python modules and scripts for data object plotting and rescaling. Enjoy :-) As always, these new versions are recommended for immediate use. Please keep sending us your feedback and analysis codes! Best wishes, The Rivet team -- Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow _______________________________________________ Rivet-announce mailing list Rivet-announce at projects.hepforge.org https://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet-announce
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