[Rivet] Thoughts on a Rivet 2.2.2 release?Chris Pollard cpollard at cern.chSun May 10 20:10:31 BST 2015
Hey, Yes, I agree. But I also think that YODA does need a physics-agnostic > merging utility... or at least some merging helper functions. > Unfortunately there's no way to tell if scale() is being called for > normalization or some other purpose, so maybe that is an impossible goal. > Yeah, that's why I think it's perfectly alright to ask the user to give the script some information about how histograms should be summed correctly. What does ROOT's hadd utility do? I expect that it has exactly the same > problems but for some reason I never hear anyone complaining! (At least > not *this * aspect: I submitted some serious bugfixes many years ago and > I know Holger recently had some trouble with it.) If the name is > accurate, maybe it just adds histos/weights and ignores normalization? > And for TGraphs? > If I'm not mistaken, hadd just sums the content of each bin and sums the uncertainty on each bin in quadrature. I don't think ROOT histograms "know" if they've been normalized or not, so there's no way for hadd to take this into account. I don't think it even attempts to combine TGraphs. Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20150510/841d183b/attachment.html>
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