[Rivet] Thoughts on a Rivet 2.2.2 release?Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.chMon May 11 08:11:34 BST 2015
Hi Chris, Andy, >> Yes, I agree. But I also think that YODA does need a physics-agnostic >> merging utility... or at least some merging helper functions. >> Unfortunately there's no way to tell if scale() is being called for >> normalization or some other purpose, so maybe that is an impossible goal. > > Yeah, that's why I think it's perfectly alright to ask the user to give the > script some information about how histograms should be summed correctly. I fully agree with this and this is exactly the suggestion with which I started the thread: If we can't agree on a good default then we could just get rid of the heuristics completely and let the user specify whether the input yoda files come from identical runs with different random seeds or whether they are from different processes which should be added. Chris, I just saw your reply to Leif in the other mail: > If I'm not mistaken, this is more or less what we've begun implementing; I > think we have a ~working implementation for 1D histograms. We have not > expanded this to other types yet. Can you iterate a bit on which work has started on this re-entrant histogramming? I pinged Andy about it a few months ago when I realized that it doesn't even have to be that interruptive because the basic book keeping of analysis objects already exists. I would be interested to hear which direction you are taking now. If you want, we could also have a chat about it on Skype/Vidyo/... Cheers, Frank
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