[Rivet] CMS_2015_I1384119 plugin (minbias eta)

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at desy.de
Fri Oct 23 09:48:41 BST 2015

Hi Xavier

the rivet plugin you have attached to this mail coincides with what I had and should be fine.

> On 22.10.2015, at 22:39, Janssen Xavier <xavier.janssen at uantwerpen.be> wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> I found the problem with the normalisation. Apparently we had 2 versions of the analysis floating around and I missed the updated one with correct normalisation (too many emails during hollidays / well known fact that one should never take hollidays / sic). I am attaching the correct code. Everything is in the counting of events passing cuts on #particles to veto elastic events I believe (#particles>2). You can test it but would be better if Hannes confirm as well. 
> At least now I get the correct plot while indeed I had the same problem as you with the version which is in rivet 2.4.0. 
> Thanks for reporting.
> Cheers, Xavier. 
>> On 22 Oct 2015, at 19:14, Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk <mailto:holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> On 22/10/15 18:10, Janssen Xavier wrote:
>>> Hi Holger,
>>>> On 22 Oct 2015, at 18:25, Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk <mailto:holger.schulz at durham.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>>> On 22/10/15 17:15, Janssen Xavier wrote:
>>>>> Hi Holger
>>>>> Oh Sorry, the label should be 1/N dNch/deta ofc as in the paper.
>>>> Hi Xavier,
>>>> thanks for the clarification, I'll fix this for the next release.
>>>> I just cross read the paper, there is one sentence that concerns me a bit:
>>>> The data points and uncertainties are symmetrized in ±η.
>>> Yes, we have always being doing it since the 900 GeV paper I believe, which means we average the positive and negative bins and plot this average on both the + and - corresponding bins. So the normalisation is taken correctly. This means we double the statistic of the measurements as there is no reason to have different physics on both side ...
>>>> See I was running a minbias MC through the analysis and it is pretty
>>>> much a factor 2 off (attachment).
>>> I can try to run it myself as I am just done with integrating 2.4.0 in our CMS software. I let you know.
>> Great!
>>  10k events are sufficient. I am struggling to get Pythia8 to run :)
>> Cheers,
>> Holger
>>>> Do you remember who made the validation plots that came with the tarball in rivet contrib?
>>>> I would like to run a setup present in those plots to rule out any rivet problems.
>>> I think it was Hannes, so he is already in cc.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Holger
>>> Cheers, Xavier.
>>>>> Cheers, Xavier.
>>>>>> On 22 Oct 2015, at 18:10, Holger Schulz <iamholger at googlemail.com> <mailto:iamholger at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Xavier, Hannes,
>>>>>> I am having trouble understand the 13TeV pseudorapidity
>>>>>> distribution in the CMS_2015_I1384119 analysis.
>>>>>> In the rivet version, the ylabel says 1/N dN/deta which would
>>>>>> mean that the integral of the curve should be =1 --- however
>>>>>> it is more like 24.
>>>>>> I had a look into the paper to see if there is some normalisation
>>>>>> factor but found that there on Figure 3 the ylabel is not mentioning
>>>>>> a normalisation, i.e. it says dNch/d eta.
>>>>>> Could you please clarify what the normalisation of this histogram
>>>>>> is?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Holger
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>>>> <eta.pdf>
> <CMS_2015_I1384119.cc><d01-x01-y01.pdf>

Hannes Jung 
Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de 
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741         
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DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
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