[Rivet] reading a YODA file in a Rivet Routine

Patrick L.S. Connor connorpa at mail.desy.de
Wed Oct 28 11:53:25 GMT 2015

Dear Rivet Programmers,

I would like to multiply some YODA histograms from different Rivet routines, but 
I could not find any way. Would there be anything like this already implemented?

I thought of two ideas:
  - either mutliply histograms from the YODA files just before running 
  - or load the YODA file from the routine A inside the routine B and apply the 
multiplication there,
  but unsuccessfully...

Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance.



Patrick L.S. Connor
Doktorand - CMS Team
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Tel.: +49 40 8998-2617
Geb.: 01b/O2.208

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