[Rivet] reading a YODA file in a Rivet Routine

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Wed Oct 28 12:34:15 GMT 2015

Hi Patrick,

As it happens, we don't have multiply functions between histograms, 
because until now nobody had a use-case for it: histogram divisions yes, 
multiplications... not that I've seen.

What exactly is it that you're doing? Note that histograms in YODA are 
objects with fill history, not e.g. lookup tables of efficiencies or 
similar... although a future version will contain such objects, too.

We can add such methods to YODA quite easily, but just preferred not to 
fill it up with "for completeness" functions that wouldn't be used.

If we add these multiply methods, you would be able to call them on the 
YODA objects loaded into Rivet... modulo the detail that the histogram 
handles that you get in Rivet are smart pointers, and we provide 
dedicated divide() functions to handle the registration and path setting 
on the resulting Scatter2D.


On 28/10/15 11:53, Patrick L.S. Connor wrote:
> Dear Rivet Programmers,
> I would like to multiply some YODA histograms from different Rivet
> routines, but I could not find any way. Would there be anything like
> this already implemented?
> I thought of two ideas:
>   - either mutliply histograms from the YODA files just before running
> make-plots,
>   - or load the YODA file from the routine A inside the routine B and
> apply the multiplication there,
>   but unsuccessfully...
> Could you please help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Patrick
> ----
> Patrick L.S. Connor
> Doktorand - CMS Team
> Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
> Tel.: +49 40 8998-2617
> Geb.: 01b/O2.208
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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