[Rivet] plotting of multi-weight curves in 3.0.0alpha1

Christian Gütschow chris.g at cern.ch
Thu Jan 28 16:47:33 GMT 2016


Not necessarily, you could also use .* for the file, couldn't you?
> I also haven't used it in a while, but I remember it as a way to
> overwrite properties for individual histograms, instead of plots, and
> since linecolor/style is a histo property and not a plot property I
> thought this might work?

Looks like neither


nor the version where I use the specific yoda file name work. Escaping the
square brackets didn’t help either.

I have a feeling this is because in rivet-cmphistos, there is a loop over
all canonical analysis objects (I guess that’s the nominal curves?) and
within that there’s a loop over all the variations for that object. It
looks like the style of the variations is hardcoded to be the same as the
style of the canonical objects. So it seems that currently there is indeed
no way to overwrite the style for a specific variation.


On 28 January 2016 at 17:29, Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> > this is to overwrite properties for specific histograms in a local file,
> no?
> Not necessarily, you could also use .* for the file, couldn't you?
> I also haven't used it in a while, but I remember it as a way to
> overwrite properties for individual histograms, instead of plots, and
> since linecolor/style is a histo property and not a plot property I
> thought this might work?
> > Besides, as far as I can tell this doesn’t work with the
> > /path/name[variation] syntax used in v3.0.0alpha1 (at least I couldn’t
> get
> > it to work).
> As Andy mentioned, you might just have to be careful to build the
> regexp correctly, in particular including those square brackets?
> Cheers,
> Frank


 Dr. Christian Gütschow

 TU Dresden
 Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik
 Zellescher Weg 19
 01069 Dresden

 > at CERN: 104-02-C02
 > at IKTP: E17, ASB
 > chris.g at cern.ch
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