[Rivet] rivet-mkhtml only taking certain changes from .plot fileRaghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli raghav.k.e at cern.chTue May 24 14:03:32 BST 2016
Hi Rivet Experts, Its me again :) Im currently having another pretty weird error (I checked with another friend here and we coudnt solve it) with changes to a .plot file and mkhtml command. So i have several plots in my analysis and for two particular histograms, any changes i make in the .plot file, only a part of that gets carried over to the actual plot. Let me give you an example: very simple plot for the Z Mass this is what i have in my .plot file: # BEGIN PLOT /JEWEL_ZpJet/* XTwosidedTicks=1 YTwosidedTicks=1 RatioPlotYMin=0 RatioPlotYMax=2 # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /JEWEL_ZpJet/Z_mass Title=JEWEL+PYTHIA PbPb $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV, Z+Jets XLabel=Z mass [GeV/$c^2$] YLabel=$\frac{d^2\sigma}{dm\ d\eta}$ [pb/GeV/$c^2$] LogY=1 CustomLegend=Z$\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ # END PLOT Now, I build-plugin, run it over some sample mc events, and do mkhtml and this is what i see in my Z_mass.dat file: # BEGIN PLOT XTwosidedTicks=1 YTwosidedTicks=1 Title=JEWEL Z $\rightarrow \mu^{-} \mu^{+}$ LogY=0 RatioPlotYMax=2 CustomLegend=Z$\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ LegendOnly=//afs/cern.ch/work/r/rkunnawa/JEWEL/ANALYSIS/test_zpjet.yoda/JEWEL_ZpJet/Z_mass XLabel=Z mass $[GeV/c^2]$ YLabel=$d\sigma$ DrawOnly=//afs/cern.ch/work/r/rkunnawa/JEWEL/ANALYSIS/test_zpjet.yoda/JEWEL_ZpJet/Z_mass Legend=1 RatioPlotYMin=0 # END PLOT # BEGIN HISTO1D //afs/cern.ch/work/r/rkunnawa/JEWEL/ANALYSIS/test_zpjet.yoda/JEWEL_ZpJet/Z_mass ErrorBars=1 LineColor=red ... The histogram title and y axis label are different! they are what i have before. But the new custom legend i put in is taken!! this is quite bizarre when the other plots in the same analysis have no such problems. Cheers Raghav
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