[Rivet] Problema usign Hist2DJoão Barata baratavergilio at gmail.comThu Sep 7 18:04:54 BST 2017
Hi, I was trying to make a 2DHisto and I use a "standard" declaration to do this: in function init: _h_PT_Zparton = bookHisto2D("PTparto_vs_PTZ",500,0,500,500,0,500,"Corr PT Z e PT inicial","Parton","Z",""); in analyze: _h_PT_Zparton->fill(inpt,zmom.pT()/GeV,weight); and I declare it as private member: Histo2DPtr _h_PT_Zparton; Everything goes fine until I do rivet-mkhtml and I always get this error Histograms written to /home/joao/HI/quarkgluon/Rivet.yoda joao at joao:~/HI/quarkgluon$ rivet-mkhtml Rivet.yoda Making 30 plots dvips: DVI file can't be opened: PTparto_vs_PTZ: No such file or directory dvips: DVI file can't be opened: PTparto_vs_PTZ: No such file or directory convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-2ya25gYE' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544. convert.im6: no images defined `PTparto_vs_PTZ.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044. No output file 'PTparto_vs_PTZ.png' from processing PTparto_vs_PTZ.dat Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/PTparto_vs_PTZ.dat (30/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/Z_Energy.dat (29/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/Z_eta.dat (28/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/Z_mass.dat (27/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/Z_phi.dat (26/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/Z_pt.dat (25/30 remaining) Plotting ./rivet-plots/quarkgluon/jept_minus_Zpt_cone_0.dat (24/30 remaining) which only occurs for the 2D histo. Am I doing something wrong with rivet? Many thanks, João Barata -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20170907/b4857c6f/attachment.html>
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