[Rivet] The last recording proving Hitler might still be alive

Elizabeth McPhee elizabeth-mcphee at vewuiqsolder.com
Tue May 1 13:41:14 BST 2018

Released: May 1st > The Final Words Ever Spoken By Hitler

New Video Discovered Tuesday

Researchers discovered an abandoned bunker deep in Germany that contains the biggest secret ever revealed in this video 

See it now

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uncommonly regular are they, and on such a scale as to raise suspicions whether they can be by nature regularly produced (p. 188). Unnatural regularity, the observations showed, betrays itself in everything to do with the lines: in their surprising straightness, their amazing uniformity throughout, their exceeding tenuity, and their immense length (p. 189). As a planet ages, its surface water grows scarce. Its oceans in time dry up, its rivers cease to flow, its lakes evaporate (p. 203). Now, in the

geometrism precludes its causation on such a scale by any natural process and, on the other hand, that such is precisely the aspect which an artificial irrigating system, dependent upon the melting of the polar snows, would assume. Since water is only to be had at the time it is there unlocked, and since for any organic life it must be got, it would be by tapping the disintegrated cap, and only so, that it could be obtained. If Mars be inhabited, therefore, it is precisely such a curious system we should

devotion that from a planet so small and so distant as Mars any evidence should be forthcoming at all that could bear upon the question of the existence of intelligent organisms upon its surface. But it is of the utmost significance to note that the whole question turns upon the presence of water—of water in the liquid state, of water in a sufficient quantity; and the final decision, for Mr. Lowells contention, or against it, must turn on that one point. The search for Life on Mars is essentially a search for Water; a search for water, not only in the present state of Mars, but in its past as well. For, without water in

causa. Beside the bulky Memoirs in which Prof. Lowell has published the scientific results obtained at his observatory at Flagstaff, and papers and articles appearing in various scientific journals, he has brought out three books of a more popular character: Mars; Mars and its Canals; and Mars as the Abode of Life. In these he shows that to the assiduity of the astronomer he adds the missionarys zeal and eagerness for converts as he pleads most skilfully for the acceptance of his chosen doctrine of the presence of men on Mars. In the last of the three books mentioned, he deals directly with Proofs of Life on Mars. The presence of

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