[Rivet] Reminder: LCG Generator Services project planning meeting

Alberto Ribon ribon at mail.cern.ch
Tue May 26 07:12:18 BST 2009


  I remind you that the next LCG Generator Services 
  project planning meeting will be held this week, on

         Friday 29 May at 9:30 (CET)

  in room 32-1-A24. 

  EVO video-conference: community="WLCG",  
                        title="Generator Services project planning".

  It is possible to join the meeting via normal phone:
  call the closest EVO phonebridge
  (see the numbers, and detailed instructions, at:
  then dial the Phone Bridge ID number:  906195 
  followed by  # 

  A draft version of the presentation is available at:


  Best regards, 

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