[Rivet] [Professor] Rivet/Professor/generators VM

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Tue Jun 28 16:44:14 BST 2011

On 28/06/11 16:37, Daniel Weyh wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> it actually is (was?) online (a bit hidden in the Professor download listing) - it's pretty much the version I presented to you in Geneva.

Aha... I didn't notice, since I just need to "svn up" to get the 
Professor updates ;)

> There was some (next to no) discussion about how to improve, what to take in/out (sherpa, pythia8, alpgen, idontknowwhat?) and that Hendrik already had a VM... and the discussion somewhen stopped.
> I'm sorry I missed to ask for further development during the Professor phone meeting last week.
> If all agree I'd try to create a new VM with the new Rivet, compress it, ... and push it to somewhere on the net.

Sounds good to me! As David has said, having Herwig++ and Pythia 8 in 
addition to Sherpa would make it a very useful system for use in a 
summer school in September, so I think they are worth putting in. If the 
sources are removed, as I think you were doing, they hopefully won't add 
an enormous amount to the current size.


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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